That's MRS Jen But Never Jenn to you.
Repeating what I've posted elsewhere on the interweb ... but:
So, yesterday I became a Mrs. It was AWESOME.
Honestly, I wish I could have a wedding every month. Throwing a party where I could get a mini makeover, control the playlist, ply people with appetizers, desserts and booze and only invite guests that I adore is my version of heaven. I will surely be in wedding withdrawal this month. I just couldn't get enough of the evening and was having such a kick-ass time.
When we finally went to bed around 3am, it was only then that I realized that my feet were killing me - I was THAT high on bridal goodness that I never noticed.
Anyway, I won't bore people with too many details but will give a few highlights:
* My peeps got together in my bridal suite (Suites of 1 King West - awesome hotel) and got our hair and makeup professionally done. After Foxy got her lashes applied, everyone wanted them, so my mom made an emergency falsies run to get some.
* Champagne ride in an old white limo was made hilarious by the radio hits playing inside it. Several Office (NBC) jokes were made when "Give Me the Beat Boys" came on.
* Photo session on my condo rooftop ... totally relaxing and the rain went away just so we could sneak it in. Patrick looks handsome and I am so in love.
* The ceremony was crazy fast. Done in 20 minutes. Went like a blur, but people commented on how nice and personal it was. Our officiant was excellent. Hitched!
* A quick, fun on-the-street photo session with my peeps occured afterward while guests dug into the WORLD'S BEST APPETIZERS. I cannot wait to see the pro pics.
* Reception time! More appetizers! Booze! The place looks awesome and intimate and filled with our little touches that everyone comments on. Decor continues to go along with our theme (to see our "look" go to )
* My dad surprises me with a slideshow of my childhood during his speech. Tears.
* In the speech to thank everyone I have a complete public meltdown that causes a domino meltdown among my friends and family. Good tears but crazy.
* Dancing, dancing, dancing. It starts off a bit slowly, but picks up suddenly - the guests get down with their bad selves.
* The open bar goes over VERY well.
* Lots of awesome family moments of gushy admissions of adorations for each other.
* The dance floor remains busy, but now everyone is shoeless. All the songs are hilarious and personal and a few favourite tunes literally have some of our guests (and bride) screaming and laughing uncontrollably (in a good way!).
* My parents dance the whole night. My mom dirty dances with a gay boy while my high school friends do shots with my dad. Life is good.
* We leave people wanting more as we have to shut the party down at 2am. Wish we could have another hour but are thrilled to end on a high note.
Some pics, stolen from various Facebooks (in chronological order):
My décor is organized. The little circular cards are trivia (ie: little nuggets of info about my wedding, families or our parents’ weddings) and totally out-dated wedding advice:
Miss Foxy and I showing off our lashes:
The $50 Wedding Dress is revealed (excuse the dumb face I’m making):
The flowers arrive. We decide to go WITH some beads after all:
Getting our ride on to the photos. The girls (my friend since the age of 5 – Anissa, Foxy, my sister, Melanie) look hawt:
Photos on our rooftop:
My Man of Honour does some paper work with our Officiant:
The stage is set:
On my way with mom and dad:
I’m married. And a little bit happy:
On the street as cars honked like crazy and people shouted "CONGRATULATIONS!!!!" …:
… and while guests are mingling:
Our MCs of Awesomeness:
First dance with my husband!:
Dancing with my dad:
Party, Party, Party:
The Happy Couple:
Loved it.