Bootylicious Prospects
So --- hurrah! Engagement!
Just when I thought I was going to have to create a secret blog that would be soley devoted to the evil aspects of my job (secret so that I not get Dooced), something comes along for me to talk about!
I have never been a fan of the word "fiancée". There is something implicitly annoying, tacky and smug about that word. I just imagine this horrible woman waving her bling finger around unneccesarily and pointing toward an overly-gelled male at the bar while announcing, "Oh, yes, my fiancée [said with emphasis] is getting me a Cosmpolitan [also said with emphasis]." And when you gaze upon her bethroded, you wonder if anyone else notices that he's staring at the waitress's ass.
No, Patrick is not that man. And I'm not that woman. Hopefully.
So that's what makes it hard to find the right words to describe him. The thing is, I like the fact that we've "upgraded" from boyfriend to "we gonna' git hitched".
The solution arrived on its own recently. In talking with someone about the engagement, I started to say "boyfriend" but then my mouth flubbed to the dreaded "fiancée" and it came out "B-e-on-say" or "Beyoncé" to the pop-cultured.
So Beyoncé it is! Whether he likes it or not (and he doesn't!)!