Just Another Sunday in the City
Encountered on Yonge Street:
Meth addict (to Patrick): Hey, man. Hey, can I talk to you for a second?
Patrick: Sure.
* Jen thinks to herself: UUUUUGGGGHHH. *
Meth addict: Thanks, man. Thanks, man. There are so many assholes in this city. Anyway. I'm having the worst time. I just got out of jail today. I haven't eaten in a week. My Grandmother just died. Do you know where Scarborough is? I have to get to Scarborough. This is the worst day. I'm so hungry and I need to get to my Grandmother's funeral and some guy stole my ...
Jen: I'm really sorry but we can't help you today. Good luck and I hope things improve for you.
Meth addict: FUCK YOU, BITCH! I CAN'T BELIEVE HOW RUDE PEOPLE ARE IN THIS CITY!!! *Inaudible swearing as he darts off*
Jen: Pretty sure I said that as politely as I could have.
Patrick: Emily Post back there would disagree.
Jen: Fuck you.
Patrick: See? Rude. You're what's decaying this fine city. You and your sentence-interrupting ways.