11 Nov 2009

Loved, and were loved, and now we lie


Unknown 11:06 pm, November 11, 2009  

I remember Remembrance Day poppies from when I was in about grade 5 or so (1962 or thereabouts). They were printed on fuzzy/velvety stock with images of significant medals on the back. At that time they expected a donation of about 2 cents or so and that wasn't always easy to find.

Veterans of both "The Great War" and "WWII" were still numerous then and memory of the second world war was still fresh in our parents' memory. They had lived it, either as soldiers overseas or, more stressfully, as spouses, siblings, lovers, parents or children of combatants.

I can't help thinking just how lucky I was to grow up where I did and when I did. The military was an abstract thing to me, something Americans and primitive people resorted to.

What a waste of lives and of human potential.


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