16 Jan 2013

Happy Birthday To My Mom! Now Let's All Look At Her Ass.

(My hot mamma, about 40 years ago. And, yes, she looks exactly the same now.)

Happy Birthday to the best mom anyone could ask for!


The Toxic Housewife 4:53 pm, January 16, 2013  

Wow, everything IS higher north of the border!

Glad to have you back; have fun in Mexico!

father of the monkey,  4:27 pm, January 17, 2013  

Lucky for you we are in different countries right now or she might just kick YOUR ass for that post!


We ARE BOTH in Mexico! Watch out you Jennnn you!

MamáRegia 10:38 pm, February 14, 2013  

I love the fashion is as if I'm looking at someone today. Wow.

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