4 Oct 2007

Random Life News

So, a post or so ago I mentioned that I would be looking for another job. Another job I did look for. Another job I did find.

Seems like only yesterday I was posting about how I was leaving my old job for a new one. And yet, I've done it again.

I've decided to return to non-profit. While I love the people I worked with, my soul - simply put - was rotting away at the old job. I was just putting WAY too much energy and time and brain juice into ... well, nothing. Some guy's big wallet in Korea, I suppose. So while I wish my former employer well, I wish my new employer much, much better vibes.

Nothing replaces knowing that you're doing good.


Anonymous,  9:16 pm, October 06, 2007  


Anonymous,  1:08 am, March 18, 2008  

Hey, small world! I somehow ended up reading this after following a link. I just clicked on any archive page and found the poweraid story - which sounded just like something that happened to me. Turns out it is, I worked at UWGT back then! CN Stairclimb. I was giving those bankers water which they demanded two at a time.

Anyway, I probably sound like a huge stalker now, and I didn't know you - I worked in resource development only for the duration the campaign.

Weird though.

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Need words? I'm a Toronto-based freelance writer who injects great ones into blogs, websites, magazines, ads and more. So many services, one lovely Jen (with one 'n').

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