Notice something .... different?
Nope - didn't get a haircut.
No - DEFINITELY didn't lose weight.
A new dress? Well, sort of!
As you can probably tell, the blog is going through a visual revamp. It's not all done (the header obviously still needs to be changed) but a good chunk got taken care over over the weekend, thanks in part to my darling husband, thanks in part to darling me.
Also - you might notice that the blog is now at its very own website -, as opposed to the blogspot address. If you link to or have my site bookmarked, you may want to update - but blogger will continue to redirect you this way until further notice.
And yes - in the near future the Alphabetty image will also link to something more substantial - client work has kept me a little busy and I want that site to be just right before turning it live.
Isn't technology thrilling?
EDITED TO ADD: Currently, the site is best viewed with a screen resolution of 1280 x 1024. Viewing it other ways will make it appear dumb. So to be clear - it's you, not me.
I kind of like the new layout but would appreciate at least a small margin on the left side - a character width or three. I find it hard to read right up to the edge of the screen.
Your most senior critic/fan.
Senior Critic (a.k.a. Dad),
What browser and browser settings are you using? There's a good inch of buffer between the text and the edge of the page ...?
IE 7
I'll send you a screen capture of what I see.
Looks the same in 3.01 of Firefox (i.e., no margin on the left).
It's okay, not great.
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