31 Oct 2011

Spooky Stuff

Image Source:
Bluwmongoose on Flickr
We had decided that tonight we would turn off all the lights, ignore the people outside and quietly hide in the basement, miserably eating mini Kit-Kats and Coffee Crisps - but then we remembered it was Halloween! So out with our regular routine and in with the spirit of the day!

I figured that I'd go to my 1950s housewife vault and dig you up something Halloween-related (rather "Hallowe'en" - that's how they most frequently spelled it then) from my magazines - and you know what? There wasn't anything in them! My cookbooks had a few recipes for Halloween-themed cakes and other baked goods, but that was pretty much it. Mind you, I don't have a ton of September and October issues from that decade - but of the few I do, there's not a lick of info or advertising pertaining to Halloween. It makes me wonder if that's an indication that people didn't shit themselves over this holiday nearly to the extent we do now.

It should come as no surprise that I'll be answering the door in a tried and true costume, one that I've been doing since 2005. Well, that or answer the door topless.


But you know what costume I won't be? The one someone searched online for and somehow ended up on my website:


I hope that person, whose IP was from a rather prominent university, was simply researching for a paper they're writing titled, What Horrible People Dress Up As For Halloween: A Seasonal Study of Douchebaggery.

But probably not. Do we really need to point out that dressing up as someone who's the victim of a real violent assault isn't funny or clever? Sigh.

But enough finger wagging ... instead, I shall leave you with a find from my favourite 1950s cookbook, the Good Housekeeping 10 PM Cook Book. There, I spotted a picture of people in costumes that I found interesting, especially considering everyone (including me) acts like "sexy costumes" are something new.

I give you the 1958 Sexy Devil:

Yep, Grandma embraced Halloween as an opportunity to tramp it up, too.

Trick or Treat!


father of the monkey,  2:35 pm, October 31, 2011  

I was a kid in the 1950's. We lived most of that time in southern Ontario (Sarnia).

As I recall, when we went door-to-door we mainly received apples or a handful of peanuts in the shell or 1 or (at most) 2 of those orange wrapped, molasses-flavoured candy kisses.

We NEVER rang door bells but stood on the porch yelling "Trick or Treat!". In Edmonton in the 1960's, for reasons I never understood, everyone would yell, "Halloween Apples!"

In the '50's there was a MUCH greater emphasis on the Trick aspect of Trick-or-Treat. Kids would routinely write on peoples' windows with bars of soap - which is a bitch to wash off. Then there was the old, put a burning bag of dogshit on the porch, ring the doorbell and run gimick with the hope of someone stomping on it to extinguish it. Eggs were thrown. Live chickens were tossed in windows...

Ah, the memories!

Susan Vollenweider 2:53 pm, October 31, 2011  

I think I would prefer a little douchebaggery to a little flaming poop baggery. The things that happen on that side of the boarder...

Anonymous,  4:22 pm, October 31, 2011  

Your intros for the past couple blg entries have really cracked me up. Happy hallowe'en!

Jen 5:45 pm, November 01, 2011  

Thanks for commenting, all!

FOTM: More old-timey stories, please!

Di Smith 8:57 am, November 02, 2011  

"BOObs" made me snort my coffee. Love the old-timey stories too.

father of the monkey,  7:30 pm, November 04, 2011  

More old timey stories...

Anyway, about my washtub. I'd just used it that morning to wash my turkey, which in those days was known as a walking-bird. We'd always have walking-bird on Thanksgiving, with all the trimmings: cranberries, injun eyes, yams stuffed with gunpowder. Then we'd all watch football, which in those days was called baseball...

(With apologies to Abe Simpson)

Ryan, Corrie, Max, and Jack 3:44 am, November 17, 2011  

See, I read that phrase that brought that person to your blog as- beat up "50's housewife costume." As in, a 50's housewife costume that is beat up. I dunno. Benefit of a doubt?

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