17 Nov 2010

Fresh From the Oven: A Self-promotional Link!

There's a very quick Q & A about my 50s Housewife Experiment on Momlogic (it should be said that I'm probably a better demographic fit for a website called Childfreechaos.com - but I was happy to chat with Momlogic-ians, of course!).

Within the article there's a spot of news I've been keeping buttoned since July. There's still nothing official (and will possibly result in nothing but my old standbys, rejection and humiliation), but, yes - I'm in the midst of working on things that may contribute to the further downfall of culture. Will let you know more as things firm up or painfully die.


Image Source: EcoStains


JK,  8:14 pm, November 17, 2010  

OMG!!! A reality show!! That would be so amazing - you can bet I'd watch it! I still think you should also do a book. Crossing my fingers!

hippychic 10:02 am, November 18, 2010  

Ha! This would certainly be a good time. I am not usually a watcher of the reality TV shows, but this sounds fun.

Nicole G.,  1:19 pm, November 18, 2010  

This would be my new favorite show, so I hope it happens!

Anonymous,  5:53 pm, November 18, 2010  

Would this be in the US or Canada? When will you know?

Jen 1:23 am, November 19, 2010  

Thanks, everybody! Again, nothing's in ink anywhere, but it's cool all the same. The hope is to sell it to a US network that also gets aired in Canada ... but who know!

Marsha,  3:33 am, November 19, 2010  

Hon, if you get a TV show you will accomplish what dozens of coupons and offers in the mail have so far failed at --- to get me to subscribe to cable or satellite TV, and thus start watching the box again after three blissful years of nothing but DVD's. I'll decide after the fact if that makes you blame or praise worthy.

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I have no shame

Need words? I'm a Toronto-based freelance writer who injects great ones into blogs, websites, magazines, ads and more. So many services, one lovely Jen (with one 'n').

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