Time Travellers?
Last week while I was not cruising the Internet (due to the fact that I was doing the second part to my 50s Housewife Experiment), it appears that people went crazy for a video in which a woman in a Charlie Chaplin film appears to be talking on a cell phone.
Perhaps I was subconsciously searching for something familiar while flipping through my 1950s-era magazines last week, or maybe I'm just quite drunk crazy, but the women in this 1956 Kotex ad totally remind me of Annie (Alison Brie) and Britta (Gillian Jacobs) from Community. Does anyone else see it?
Also, while this next ad confuses the bejesus out of me, the only thing I can identify is that the woman on the right appears to be using air quotes. Were quote fingers used back then or have we found another time traveller?
*Ooooooooo* *Spoooooky* ... she's come from the future to deliver some sarcasm and allude to something ironic about the word "Sanforized" ... or more likely - about the word "shrinkage" (click to open a close-up, you'll see in the same shot there's a man next to her alluding to something rather small, ha) ... *Ooooooooo* ...
Did you just get chills?
holy shit that IS Britta Perry.
That is a dead ringer for Gillian Jacobs. Good eye!
Two people agreeing is enough for me to tell myself I'm not crazy. YES!
Are these ladies playing "Charades" with the guys on the couch? Could be the reason for the gestures!
Are these ladies playing "Charades" with the guys on the couch? Could be the reason for the gestures!
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