21 Nov 2011

Does This Mean We're Safe? Maybe Not.

Because I'm a boring self-obsessed hag, I like to now and again peruse my web stats and traffic. By "now and again", I of course mean obsessively and several times a day.

Well, remember when I posted how someone from the Department of Homeland Security was reading my blog for a few hours? It turns out that their counterparts on the other side of the border like to do the same:

They even goof on my site for the same amount of time! This particular person from the Department of National Defence came here looking to learn how to create a 1950s Christmas, which I gotta say is pretty adorable of them (and I cannot wait to get my aluminium tree up again this year!).

But you know what's not so adorable? That the Department of National Defence uses Internet Explorer. And not even the new version. Oh my ever-loving Pappa Smurf, WTF. We're doomed. DOOMED!


B 2:09 pm, November 21, 2011  

Oh good! I'm not the only person who checks their comments/stats 16 times a day. *phew*

I'm so needy.

Susan Vollenweider 4:12 pm, November 21, 2011  

Nothing wrong with checking your stats...it crosses over when you start yelling at them,"Why didn't you comment! I SEE you there! NO, Don't read that post, you moron,I wrote it a million years ago high on dayquil and hormonaly depressed!"

er, uh...IE you say? That is very interesting.

Anonymous,  5:05 pm, November 21, 2011  

I love that the people in these important jobs are really just like us.

Anonymous,  9:20 pm, November 21, 2011  

I work in a different federal department, and I'm excited that I was asked to "test" Office 2007. Ya.

Alison,  11:59 pm, November 21, 2011  

DOOMED! Hahaha.

Meghan,  4:17 pm, November 22, 2011  

I just had to do a federal background check for a job, and the website will not even open to the application on anything but Internet Explorer-I suppose in some misguided theory that it is more secure than newer, better browsers?

In the spirit of the past, one dish that is a staple in our family for the holidays is Strawberry Pretzel Salad (with JELLO!) My grandmother always serves it with dinner, not desserts, so as kids we loved it because we thought we were getting away with something.

Jen 5:14 pm, November 22, 2011  

Thanks for commenting, all!

B. McGillicutty: It's a sick, sick thing this blogging addiction. ;) PS: Love your name as it reminds me of I Love Lucy.

Susan: I know! I'm such a Comment Whore. And also slightly embarrassed of the some of the posts on here. Oh well!

Anon 1: Exactly!

Anon 2: Oh Jesus.

Alison: Truly!

Meghan: Maybe the country was sponsored by IE? And Strawberry Pretzel Salad? Oooooo! Intrigued (and only a little horrified)!

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Need words? I'm a Toronto-based freelance writer who injects great ones into blogs, websites, magazines, ads and more. So many services, one lovely Jen (with one 'n').

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