15 Sept 2005

Oh No

I tend not to do two blog entries in one day, but I felt a PSA warranted it.

This morning I tried Carbtopia - a new hot cereal that consists of 8 grams of dietary fibre and is sweetened with Splenda. For just 2 points, you get a generous, filling bowl worth. The taste was kinda whatever (8 grams of fibre, c’mon!) but after the first few bites I got used to it. I can pretty much eat anything if I put my mind to it, and perhaps that’s more of a problem than something to brag about.

On my way to work, I felt Carbtopia kicking in. And then kicking hard. Massive cramping and bloating ensued as Carbtopia began to form a solid, throbbing block within my innards. After desperately reaching for glasses upon glasses of water so as to flush the pain away, I experienced Carbtopia on its final, brutal level.

As a picture speaks a thousand words, THIS is my PSA for the day:


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I have no shame

Need words? I'm a Toronto-based freelance writer who injects great ones into blogs, websites, magazines, ads and more. So many services, one lovely Jen (with one 'n').

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